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From The Earth To The Moon Pdf indir

From The Earth To The Moon pdf indir, PDF kitap indirme sitemizde İNGİLİZCE sayfadan oluşan From The Earth To The Moon kitabı 372 olarak çıkarılmıştır. Jules Verne tarafından kaleme alınan From The Earth To The Moon isimli kitap 9786059681254 dilinde ve Kitap Kağıdı ebatındadır. From The Earth To The Moon kitabını 13.05.2016 numarası ile sorgulayabilir ve satın alabilirsiniz. From The Earth To The Moon pdf oku indir.
From The Earth To The Moon pdf indir
This classic tale is one of the first that suggested that traveling to the moon was possible and inspired the concept of space flight, and more importantly, science fiction. It’s been a while since the end of the American Civil War. The Gun Club of Baltimore, a society which develops ballistic weapons of all kinds, calculates that a properly designed gun could fire a shot to the Moon. After receiving all the support of his colleagues, the president of the club seeks investors and the best minds of the days to make the voyage to the moon a reality. Meanwhile, an old enemy of club president Barbicane, a designer of armor named Nicholl seeks to undermine the mission.