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Tales From Rumi (10 Kitap) Pdf indir

Tales From Rumi (10 Kitap) pdf indir, PDF kitap indirme sitemizde İNGİLİZCE sayfadan oluşan Tales From Rumi (10 Kitap) kitabı 160 olarak çıkarılmıştır. Nefise Atçakarlar tarafından kaleme alınan Tales From Rumi (10 Kitap) isimli kitap 9786050814002 dilinde ve Kitap Kağıdı ebatındadır. Tales From Rumi (10 Kitap) kitabını 17.05.2014 numarası ile sorgulayabilir ve satın alabilirsiniz. Tales From Rumi (10 Kitap) pdf oku indir.
Tales From Rumi (10 Kitap) pdf indir
Stressing ethical values, intellect and love, the great Islamic mystic Rumi offers refreshing solutions to souls locked in the difficulties of modern moral complexity. The Mesnevi is one of the great classics of Islamic literature. It has been translated into many Western languages and has been received with enthusiasm by readers of all walks of life. Time Magazine has called Rumi “the best-selling poet in the U.S.” The ten books of the Tales From Rumi series have been edited for children in order to introduce them to this wonderful literary treasure so they too can appreciate its content.