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Astrology How To Make And Read Your Own Horoscope Pdf indir

How To Make And Read Your Own Horoscope pdf indir, PDF kitap indirme sitemizde 121 sayfadan oluşan Astrology
How To Make And Read Your Own Horoscope kitabı Karton Kapak olarak çıkarılmıştır. Sepharial tarafından kaleme alınan Astrology
How To Make And Read Your Own Horoscope isimli kitap İNGİLİZCE dilinde ve 13.5 x 21 cm ebatındadır. Astrology
How To Make And Read Your Own Horoscope kitabını 9786257426145 numarası ile sorgulayabilir ve satın alabilirsiniz. Astrology
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How To Make And Read Your Own Horoscope pdf indir
“…The more important points of the Horoscope to which aspect can be thrown are called “Significators.” The general significators in any horoscope are the Sun, the Moon, the Midheaven (the degree which holds the meridian of the horoscope), and the Ascendant (the degree which is rising). But every planet can be a particular significator in its own province, namely, in the Sign which it rules, and the House in which it is found at birth. In a general sense the Moon is significant of the mother, female relations, the personal health and fortunes and the changes incident to these. The Sun in the same way indicates the father, male relations, the vital principle, and position. Mercury is the significator of the mind and intellect, the faculties generally. Venus is significatrix of love affairs, domestic relations, pleasures, and of young female relations, sisters, &c. Mars is significator of enterprises, strifes, and young male relations. Jupiter is significator of increase and emoluments; Saturn of legacies, inheritance, and aged persons; Uranus of civic and governmental bodies; Neptune of voyages and psychic experiences. The chief points to be regarded, however, are the Midheaven, the Ascendant, and the places of the Sun and Moon…”